The Decision Platform
Accelerating Corporate Innovation For Financial Impact
TDP allows corporations, from the C-Suite to analysts, to keep its finger on the pulse of global innovation. TDP enables just-in-time data-driven action.
TDP works with corporations to turn opportunities, disruption, new technologies, and adjacent markets created by innovative startups into financial returns. TDP's unique capabilities stem from our senior management's unique combination of Global 2000 intrapreneurs, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, artificial intelligence and data science experts.
TDP generates highly-tuned insights in real-time for corporations at the time questions are raised.
TDP does this by running its proprietary artificial intelligence software across the global pipeline of startups, using data to identify trends and patterns invisible to human eyes. TDP analysts work with our clients to guide them through the process, tune the machine learning and find meaningful insights.
TDP Clients:
TDP works with all divisions of a corporation to drive financial impact. Because every corporation is different, TDP provides personalized, individualized research, analysis, and consultation in real-time to help address C-Level questions.
TDP has helped clients solve for the following:
TDP’s clients and partners include:
Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
Daikin America, Inc (HVAC)
Daikin America, Inc. (Chemical)
JSR Micro, inc.
Nissan Chemical America Corp.
Renesas Electronics Corporation
Meidensha Corporation
Stanford (Click to Visit Site)
Click here to View our presentation at Stanford University’s Summit on Disruptive Technology and Infrastructure
TDP’s clients (subsidiaries and/or parents) are Global 2000 size corporations that account for approximately $300 billion in global, annual revenue.
TDP also works directly with channel partners such as Stanford University to reach a wide variety of entities.
Extensive Data Sources
TDP sources data from startups, governments, institutional partners both in the private and public sectors to provide a large, comprehensive data set. We map that data together making it possible to conduct a broad range consulting services.
Advanced Data Processing & Machine Learning
TDP uses advanced data analysis techniques to repurpose the data we’ve gathered to custom fit corporate needs. The latest advances in Machine Learning and statistical modeling are applied to unlock hidden insights and produce KPIs that provide data driven benchmarks for both markets and startups.
The Human Element
TDP understands the limitations of even the most cutting-edge technology in innovation analysis. Human analysis is required to ensure the proper context is applied and appropriate for the unique circumstances and strategy of our clients. When combined with our data analytics tools, TDP supercharges your ability to drive towards innovation and financial impact.
Finding Meaning in Data
TDP uses data to help you drive action. With proprietary processes and technology, we discover patterns, insights, and unknowns. We don't believe it's analytics unless is drives you to action. More than lists and searching tools, TDP turns mountains of data into significant impact.
A few of the services offered by TDP
On-boarding advisement
A regular cadence of insight building discovery meetings
Trend reports and analysis
Ultra-fast Tech Scout support
Ecosystem maps
Build/Buy Analysis Support
R&D business value research
New Customer/New Market analysis
TDP works by blending advanced data technology with consulting services. We work with clients to define their objectives, understand their strategies, help them think more broadly, and identify new possibilities.
While every engagement is different, typically our process begins before on-boarding. We ask preliminary questions to various stakeholders to understand things like the current status quo, and the new strategies and plays that they are interested in executing. We learn how departments are measured, and what defines success for everyone.
During on-boarding, we customize our tool and processes to answer the questions and strategy you bring to the table. During the meeting, we begin to generate lists of startups that may meet your interests. We work together to hone in on the right questions, and define the 'signal' you're looking for in the data.
We meet with clients at a regular cadence, and over the course of several meetings, we will help you explore new areas and provide research, lists, and context. After each meeting, you receive deliverable to help you understand the market at a granular level. Your feedback from each of these meetings drives the discussion. As we close the loop on searching for startups, technologies, and exploring the market, we shift our focus to helping plan and execute on innovations. We help clients design ecosystems of solutions and execute on numerous other key questions.
If you are a global 2000 size corporation and would like a free 30-minute demonstration on how TDP works with its clients to generate innovation insights in real-time, contact our sales team at